Affordable ERP Solutions for Small Businesses in India

Affordable >> ERP Solutions for Small Businesses in India


The low penetration of Business Automation and ERP software in India, particularly among SMEs, can be attributed to several key challenges:

Lack of Knowledge and Awareness: Many SMEs are not fully aware of the benefits and functionalities of ERP systems and other business administration tools. There is often a lack of understanding about how these tools can streamline operations and enhance productivity.

Affordability: The cost of implementing and maintaining ERP software can be prohibitive for many small and medium-sized enterprises. High initial investments and ongoing maintenance costs deter many businesses from adopting these solutions.

System Acceptance by Users: Resistance to change is a common issue. Employees and management might be reluctant to adopt new systems due to a lack of familiarity and comfort with the technology. This resistance can stem from a fear of the unknown or a perceived threat to their jobs.

Operational Challenges and Manual Dependency: Many SMEs struggle with mismanagement and are often too occupied with handling day-to-day challenges manually. This high dependence on manual work and specific personnel makes it difficult to focus on strategic growth and the adoption of new technologies.

Inadequate Data Analysis and Planning: SME owners often lack the tools and knowledge to effectively analyze their business data. Without proper data analysis, making accurate projections and strategic planning becomes challenging, hindering business growth.

At Shivit Technologies, the mission is to address these challenges by providing SMEs with user-friendly ERP systems at very affordable prices. By offering comprehensive training led by industry experts, Shivit aims to facilitate the smooth adoption of ERP systems, helping SMEs minimize expenses, increase profitability, and expand into larger markets. Support for this mission is crucial for the transformation and growth of Indian SMEs.
